Manufactured by Keene Additive Manufacturing
and distributed by CeeDee Streamers
The only water powered jigging devices available today.
SkiJigg24, a surface trolling device to trigger feeding instinct and make fish aggressive,
is 4 times more effective than standard planer boards and that
results in more trophy fish.​​​
Coming Soon!! The all-new BOSS line of jiggers
The BowBoss, The WallyBoss and the SeaBoss are all new jiggers that are the current versions of the old Sammee, with the realistic look of fish and an improved jigging transmission. Last year we had six boats testing the Boss and the results were fantasic. We are diligently working to complete this line and they will be ready soon. Stand by.

The Skijigg24 in Action
SkiJigg24 will give your trolled lure, streamer or bait all the action and motion of a live baitfish. The three-cycle jigging motion imitates swimming, escaping and then wounded baitfish automatically, all day long, at any trolling speed. The SkiJigg24 is simple to set up and as easy to use as any downrigger or planer board presentation. As your boat moves through the water the motion turns the jigger’s propeller activating the cam operated jigging system. The jigger cable plays out, stops and retrieves your lure in a continuous 3 motion cycle. As long as your boat is moving you are jigging!
GETTING STARTED For the SkiJigg24: The propeller is installed by the manufacturer and ready to go. When turning the propeller by hand be sure to turn clockwise for starboard skiJigg24 and counterclockwise for port skiJigg24. On the SkiJigg24 screw the tow rod into the brass nut next to the jigging cable. Install tow rod on side facing boat paying attention to port or starboard operation.
Step 1: Let out your line and lure to the desired distance from your boat. This distance is solely your preference as the jigging effect will be the same. You can use mono, lead core or steel line with the jiggers.
Step 2: Next, fully extract the jigging cable while keeping the jigger in the boat. For the SkiJig24 attach the tow rod split ring to your tow cable. Let the Skijigger sit in the boat.
Step 3: Clip the included release/drag cup that is attached to the jigging cable to your fishing line and let out a little more fishing line until the jigging cable is fully extended and the drag cup is just in the water. Be sure the fishing line is not tangled at the release. You are now ready to start jigging!
Step 4: Hang the SkiJigg24 over the side while holding the tow cable, drop it in the water and let the Skijigger run out about 5 feet from the side of the boat while releasing fishing line from the reel. As soon as the jigging action starts let out more fishing line so that the release will drag backto fully extend the full length of the jigging cable during the “play out” cycle of the jigger. Observe the release for a while as it jigs back and forth this insures you that all is working correctly.
Set your Skijigg24 the desired distance from your boat. playing out fishing line as you do. Be ready strikes happen quickly!